Boilers & Heat Pumps


Condensing boilers differ from traditional boilers in that they are designed to capture heat, which is normally lost through the flue system during the combustion process. Unlike traditional boilers, a condensing boiler has a built-in heat exchanger which cools the gases to a point where the latent heat, normally lost to the atmosphere through the flue, can be usefully extracted. The additional energy recovered enables the boiler to operate continuously at much higher efficiency levels, resulting in lower heating and hot water running costs.


Grant produces the most efficient boilers currently available on the market. Independent testing laboratory SEDBUK tests all boilers and Grant has a large majority of boilers on their top 100 list. Most boilers run at 70-80% efficiency, but Grant’s new generation condensing boilers deliver efficiency levels of up to 97% and all feature the ‘award winning’ unique Grant Vortex stainless steel condensing heat exchanger, and turbulator baffle system

Aqua Plus All in One

Enjoy the benefits of sustainable hot water with the Aqua Plus All in One domestic hot water heat pump. This innovative system heats your water efficiently, potentially making you eligible for attractive federal and state government incentives, including STC’s.

Controlling your hot water has never been easier. With the user-friendly SmartLife app, available on both the App Store and Google Play, you can manage your Aqua Plus system directly from your smartphone, for ultimate convenience and hot water management at your fingertips.

• Natural refrigerant – low global warming potential
• Booster mode produces 75oC max hot water
• Noise reduction design provides a super quiet at 43dB
• Built-in 1.8kW electric heater gives high efficiency at any conditions
• 50mm foam insulation ensures stable operation down to -7oC
• Patented SPD defrosting technology ensures that the heat pump water heater defrosts quickly at low temperatures

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HydroAir Plus R290 Heat Pumps

Low GWP, R290 refrigerant, producing high temperature heating hot water up to 75°C, ideal for space heating and domestic hot water production.

Wifi enabled internet connectivity (included as standard) for real time remote operation and diagnostic information.

Also fully included are smart touch display heat pump controller and anti-vibration feet.

Warranty:      5 years

kw Output:    15kW, 22 kW, 9 kW

Fuel Source:  Air to Water Heat Pump

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